• Law Society Environmental and Planning Law Practice Committee
  • King’s Inns, Diploma in Environmental and Planning Law, 2021
  • Law Society of Ireland, Solicitor, 2019
  • Trinity College Dublin, LLB, 2015

Margaret is an experienced Senior Associate with Philip Lee’s busy and well resourced Planning and Environmental team.

​Margaret has specialised in the area of planning and environment since qualification and has developed significant expertise in the field. She advises both private and public clients on complex, wide-ranging matters including pre-application reviews in respect of housing, transport and strategic infrastructure projects, as well as the carrying out environmental due diligence on financial transactions.

Margaret has been closely involved in the management of a highly significant number of judicial reviews. She acts for both decision-makers and private clients, encompassing complex environmental questions of both domestic and European law. Her wealth of litigation experience means that Margaret’s knowledge of this difficult and rapidly evolving area of law is thorough and absolutely up to date. Her advice is greatly valued by Clients in both litigation and an advisory capacity.

Margaret has been a Member of the Law Society Environmental and Planning Law Practice Committee since July 2024.

  • Power & Ors. v An Bord Pleanála & Ors. [2024] IECA 295; Proceedings raising a jurisdictional question as to the ability for a competent authority to conduct an Appropriate Assessment in the absence of Site Specific Conservation Objectives. Preliminary Reference to the CJEU ongoing.
  • An Taisce v An Bord Pleanála & Ors. [2022] IESC 8; Supreme Court decision on the question of remoteness in environmental and planning cases, also touching upon the application of the Water Framework Directive.
  • Eco Advocacy v An Bord Pleanála & Ors. [2024] IEHC 15; Question as to the Court’s discretion in an alleged lacunae in an Appropriate Assessment and the burden on an Applicant to make their case in judicial review.